Ayesha Hassan Consulting
Paris, France
who helps companies and organizations to improve and reach their engagement objectives in an effective, smart and connected way.
Outreach to broaden networks and relationships to achieve objectives
Manage and run discussions, panels, workshops to deepen needed conversations, profile issues
Map/assess current stakeholder engagement approaches and activities across teams and support leaders to integrate
these goals in their relationships and activities
Board advisory work
Contribute expertise to company/organization Boards as a member with global experience
"Serving on the World Computer Exchange Board (WCE) is a gratifying experience. Helping WCE to expand their network, partnerships, sponsors and build the "inspire girls" programm have been key areas of my focus as a board member" - Ayesha Hassan
“….I have known Ayesha for many years, and have seen her take on different challenges. She brings to each a deep, professional approach. Among her accomplishments is her ability to create, and to keep on developing, strategy relationships with companies and organizations.……”
Maria Livanos Cattaui
former Secretary-General of the International Chamber of Commerce
"…. Ayesha has a real talent for establishing positive working relationships with key contacts, presenting her clients’ interests and points of view, listening to others and then building coalitions across sectors to positively impact the outcomes…..”
Bill Graham
Senior Fellow at Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
"Ayesha has been a significant contributor to ITU's Women in Cyber Mentorship pilot program (WiC). She was a pleasure to work with; her deep understanding and natural capability for outreach and awareness raising brought important elements to getting this program strengthened. Her passion for empowering and mentoring women was energizing and helped not only our team, but also the participating mentors and mentees. Speaking for myself, I sincerely enjoyed working with Ayesha and our team was fortunate to have this opportunity to leverage her experience and network. I highly recommend her to any organization for similar engagements."
Orhan Osmani
Senior Coordinator (Cybersecurity)
at International Telecommunication Union (ITU)